Happy Birthday Rachel!
As promised, here is a photo of my niece Rachel with her birthday bag. Actually, her birthday was in April but I am kinda slow about getting photos on my blog when they were taken by someone else. (Thanks, Chuck!) It takes a fun and unique personality to pull off a bag with these colors and Rachel is definitely up to the task!
Here is a photo of the progress I am making on my Crest of the Wave top.I knitted the entire top with 3.5mm Suzanne's Ebony circulars (my favorites). After knitting the opaque lace section
that theoretically covers boobage, I switched to a larger 4.00mm as instructed, and went back to the open lace pattern. I am making each of the remaining sections a bit longer to compensate for being a little long waisted.
I love "theoretically covers boobage!" Never works, does it?
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